Spring cleaning is all about renaissance. Ridding ourselves of the bad to bring in the new. Changing our karmas. Dusting off our sexy bathing suits. So why don't you take this opportunity, as your putting away those calcium boots of yours to slip into flip flops, to clean up your contact list? Whether it's in your phone, your Facebook, your Twitter or your MySpace accounts, ridding your contact lists of the negative energy that keeps popping onto your newsfeed is always a very satisfying action.
Bonus: it prevents you from those desperate, oh-so-regretfull, booty texts or calls to miserable one-nights or exes who remind you, oh too quickly, why they didn't remain in your life in the first place.
Signed: Charlotte xox
jeudi 28 avril 2011
mercredi 27 avril 2011
Peut-on bâtir une relation de couple sur le sexe et la bouffe?
Aujourd'hui mon chum m'a annoncé que nous étions officiellement un couple depuis plus d'un mois .
Ah oui ? Sérieusement? La date officielle c'est le? Ah bon? Tu es sûr... c'était pas la journée d'après?
OUPS On va se le dire franchement je ne suis pas une fille de couple et mes amis étaient tous très étonnés que le "si j'ai bien compris je suis dans une relation exclusive" suivit peu après du "guys on rit plus j'ai un chum" sortent de ma bouche.
Mais me faire annoncer le "1 mois" m'a incroyablement frappé et je me suis questionnée sur les bases de ma relation. Habituellement, une relation est basée sur l'amour et la confiance non? Pourtant, ici, ce n'est pas le cas. Confiance, je ne me pose même pas la question et ça ne me préoccupe aucunement puisque s'il me trompe... it's his lost! Amour, si c'est ce qui reste pris dans ma gorge et que je trouve difficile à dire alors oui? Non dans ce cas la relation est basée sur le sexe, après tout elle est pas mal le résultat d'un one night un peu raté (il fallait bien se reprendre ensuite), et sur la bouffe (allo manger c'est la vie. je prendrais une coupe de vin avec ça svp). En y repensant c'est pas mal tout ce que l'on fait manger et baiser (il faut bien dépenser de l'énergie pour remanger ou est-ce le contraire il faut manger pour avoir l'énergie de recommencer? L'oeuf ou la poule?). Diner apres souper après brunch nuit après après-midi après matin. En même temps après seulement 3 mois total de fréquentation il est tout à fait approprié que la gourmandise tant charnelle que culinaire soit toujours extrêmement présente mais est-ce assez pour batir une relation ? À voir .
Le plan de la fin de semaine: la teminer en beauté avec un pic-nic (vin, fromage, paté, alouette!) et... une excussion dans les buissons OUPS
- Jane
How to go from being a wonderfully single woman to rushing into a relationship
Little did I know, a few weeks ago, as I was out with friends during one of those why-I-am-here? nights, that I would end up in a relationship. Yes, I've said it, the BIG scary word: RE-LA-TION-SHIP.
It all started innocently enough: eye contact from across the bar, dancing, pushing him away, pulling him back, sexy chatter back and forth, kissing and the exchange of phone numbers. Even included the I'm-glad-I-met-you-tonight-and-good-night text. Well surely enough, we had a date the next evening. And two days after that again. And the following weekend. And we've been seeing each other every couple of days ever since. Thing is, I've rushed into relationships before (and although I am certainly not about to call him my boyfriend, we absolutely do act like a couple) but this doesn't feel the same. Yes, I am comfortable with him. Yes, I miss him. Yes, I do get butterflies when I'm getting ready to meet him.
Truth is, I'm afraid. But what's a girl to do when she gets a text like the one I got today saying: "I'm excited when we cuddle together and I love that unique sensation when our bodies come together to form one."
To be continued.
Signed: Charlotte xox
It all started innocently enough: eye contact from across the bar, dancing, pushing him away, pulling him back, sexy chatter back and forth, kissing and the exchange of phone numbers. Even included the I'm-glad-I-met-you-tonight-and-good-night text. Well surely enough, we had a date the next evening. And two days after that again. And the following weekend. And we've been seeing each other every couple of days ever since. Thing is, I've rushed into relationships before (and although I am certainly not about to call him my boyfriend, we absolutely do act like a couple) but this doesn't feel the same. Yes, I am comfortable with him. Yes, I miss him. Yes, I do get butterflies when I'm getting ready to meet him.
Truth is, I'm afraid. But what's a girl to do when she gets a text like the one I got today saying: "I'm excited when we cuddle together and I love that unique sensation when our bodies come together to form one."
To be continued.
Signed: Charlotte xox
The moment you realize how old he really is...
So I'll be the one to break the ice with a recent story of mine...
First of all, everybody should know that I am 100% single and thus there is no immorality implied in that story other than...well the main point of the story.
One night, as I was out partying with a girlfriend that I hadn't seen in a long time, this man came up to me and started saying ridiculously random and funny stuff. I liked the way he didn't seem to care about anything and how he was really quick at answering back to anything I would say, all wise ass.
Of course, alcohol was involved and it was dark in the club, but I did truly find him attractive. He looked like a Man, you know, tall and big, confident, etc. So I did not ask myself a thousand questions and we started kissing. When I finally left the club with my friend (which was herself busy with somebody else, don't worry, I'm not that kind of friend who would leave her dancing alone), I gave the guy my phone number and went home.
He did insist a lot on accompanying me home, telling me what he would really like doing to me, but up to then everything was pretty normal.
Two days later, he called. I cannot hide the fact that I was excited that he would call, since he left me a good first impression nonetheless. In the following 30 minutes conversation, I learned many suspicious facts pointing to a LARGE age difference between us…
As I was getting more and more uncomfortable trying to guess how old he was and too shy to ask such a stupid question, I Googled him and analyzed the findings with my friend…to come to the conclusion that he was at least 10 years older!
What was I to do? I was confronted to this kind of situation for the first time. In fact, as a general rule of thumb, I usually tend to go for guys that are a year younger than me. So as any good love scientist would do, I decided to try it out.
Of course, I first needed to see him again (what if my vision was more blurred than I thought it was?). So when he called saying he had an hour free, I suggested he should come to my place for a drink. (I know, looking back, it was a major rookie mistake to let him know where I live – I don’t know the guy!)
Second mistake…was to ever think that could work out. Now, WHAT an awkward moment. Whatever chemicals were at work that night, they were gone when he arrived at my place. I was relieved that he did look good. However, in broad daylight…I COULD SEE HIS WRINKLES! Damn, that freaked me out. Still, I was ready to give it a try.
But seriously…we had nothing, but absolutely nothing to talk about! Any subject I would start, he would barely comment and vice-versa. When you think about it, it is absolutely normal, since I do hope that in 10 years I will have other concerns then the ones I have now!
When he finally left, I sighed with relief… and decided to give him another chance as he called me 10 seconds after having left my place. Yes, you earn points when you show interest (but not too much obviously, striking the right balance being a difficult art to master). Although his side of the conversation always turned out to be sexually orientated, I was still curious where this could all lead. So when he asked to see me again, I suggested breakfast (you would think that breakfast is pretty neutral and safe…not).
So we did go for breakfast....loonnggeessttt and most unappreciated breakfast ever (and to say that this is usually the best part of my day)! At least he paid… (I usually object to the guy paying for me, but this is a whole other subject that we will have to deal with latter). When all conversation subjects turned out to be total flops (everything he would say would refer to 10 years ago, when I, for one, was not yet an adult…), that’s when I definitely put a cross over him. The fact that he continuously hinted at sex didn’t help with my comfort with the situation, since it all only sounded very WRONG.
Moral of the story? Do not go against your own instincts! Sugar daddying is not the right field of action for me. If you’re a cougar like me, don’t fight it. Embrace it!
Second moral of the story? The stronza theory definitively works… What theory is that? Aahhh sorry, I’m reserving it for another blog entry! ;)
Signed : Laeticia xxx
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